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The work presents an original typology of literary texts based on their emotional and semantic
dominants It solves the problem of verbal structuring of accentuated consciousness in literary text
Created in the paradigm of cognitive psy cholingnistics and psychopoetics it mtioduces new psychiatric
approach to text The first chapter of the work describes some non-traditional methods of analysis of
literary text, including objective (LVygotsky) and sub[ective psychological psychoanalytic
neuropathologies ones Scientific works where psychiatric analysis of characters and authors was made
are also reviewed Rare and unknown works on neuropathology published in Sverdlovsk in 1924-1928
are cited Results of linguistic analysis of the speech of accentuated and mentally ill persons in the
frames of psychiatric linguistics are drawn
The second chapter is devoted to typological approach to fiction Works of 0 N Ovsyanniko-
Kulikovsky, F Shiller, R de Gourmond Ê Yung R Muller Freinfels et al are viewed upon The notion of
the dominant (A Ukhtomsky) of a text is intio duced as emotional and semantic dominant that is the
basis of the author s concept of the text The third chapter describes psycholinguistic typology of literary
texts based on finding out their emotional and semantic dominant of accentuated type Psychiatric
typology of personality is borrowed from the works of P Gannushkin and Ê Leongard
Thus light ( svetliyo ) texts being based on paranoia, depict an active fight for justice of an
honest and responsible person The key words of such texts are as follows clear'/'transparent',
duty/destiny' Tight/enemy, eyes heart' warmth , father' et al
Dark (or simple ) ( tyemmye or prostlye ) texts, being based on epileptic consciousness
constitute the largest part of literary texts in general Their dominant is manifested in the following
frames of texts a simple but aggressive hero is fighting against clever and thus dangerous enemy
Physiological level of a man prevails The following semantic groups of the words appear in such texts
double' darkness' 'anguish','laughter','size 'falling down water'/unpleasant smell body They are evidently
based on diffeient deviations of perception and demeanor typical for neurological dis order The
receptive aspect of such texts is also viewed upon
Sad ( pechai'mye ) texts are singled out as based upon depression as a state of low emotions,
physical weakness and timidity of a person The following semantic components are typical for sad texts
'quiet', 'pleasant smell, loss of money', death' stone cold' Psychologically antonymous to the previous
ones are merry ( vesellye ) texts that are based upon maniac state of a person who always has high
spirits and enormous plans is very talkative and friendly
Merry texts have the following semantic components 'together','friends','luck','gangsters',
travelling' flight a lot of money erudition , 'physical strength' Such type of texts is implemented in
adventure stories and comedies as well
Beautiful (or better beauteous krasiviyc ) texts are based on histrionics as a type of demeanor
characterized by demonstrativeness capneiousness, artistic and pseudological behavior and of an
accentuated person Beautiful texts are full of such symbols as color 'appearance of a person , 'gestures',
feelings and emotions', 'humiliations and suf fenngs', 'relatives' comparison with an animal
Mixed texts are also represented in the book Introduction to Psychiatric Literaiy Criticism There
aie sad and merry (cyclothymia) beautiful and dark , sad and dark , 'complex (schizophrenia) and others
On the basis of the elaborated theory of emotional and semantic dominant a hypothesis about the
popularity of best seller is introduced The analysis of every typp of text is illustrated with a sufficient
amount of examples from Russian and world literature Each type of texts represents a verbalized model
of a rather closed life world of accentuated character, having its own peculi antics in lexical and-
semantic and stylistic attitude As matter of fact the analysis made puts forward the problem of nidi
vidual and typological verbal and cognitive types of languages of literary text as manifestations of
cognitive structures of the author as a linguistic personality
The fourth chapter is devoted to the receptive aspect of literary text, where psycholinguistic
peculiarities of text perception are reviewed and bibliopsychological approach of N Rubakin - his
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