Общие работы
Bayley N., 1970. "Development of mental abilities", in: Mussen P. (ed.), Carmichael's manual of child
psychology, New York, Wiley.
Cooper R., Zubek J. (1958). "Effects of enriched early environments on the learning ability of bright and
dull rats", Canadian Journal of Psychology, n° 12, p. 159-164.
Denenberg V. H., 1970. Education of the infant and the Young Child, New York, Academic Press.
Guthrie R. V., 1976. Even the Rat was white: a historical view of psychology, New York, Harper and
Hebb D. O., 1974. Psychologie: science moderne, Montreal, Les Editions HRW Ltee.
Jencks C., 1972. Inequality; a reassessment of the effects of family and schooling in America, New
York, Basic Books.
Jensen A. R. (1976). "Test bias and construct validity", Phi Delta Kappan, n° 58, p. 340-346.
Kamin J. L., 1974. The science and politics of I.Q., New York, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lindsay P. H., Norman D. A., 1980. Traitement de l'information et comportement humain, Montreal, Ed.
Etudes Vivantes, 1980.
Papert S., 1981. Le jaillissement de l'esprit: ordinateur et apprentissage, Paris, Flammarion.
Rosenweig M. R. "Effects of environment on development of brain and of behavior", in: The
Biopsychology of development, New York, Academic Press, 1971, sous la direction de E. Tolbach.
Thurstone L. L., 1955. The differential growth of mental abilities, Chapel Hill, N. C., Psychometric
Laboratory, University of North Carolina.
Vernon P. E., 1979. Intelligence: Heredity and environment, San Francisco, W. H. Freeman.
Цитированные работы
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